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February 2025 Calendar-Roosevelt School

February Calendar

Happy February! Here is the latest news and information about upcoming events concerning the Roosevelt School. Please take a moment to review our February 2025 calendar.
Making Calm Bottles at the Roosevelt School

Making Calm Bottles

The Fourth Grade students made calm bottles during Wellness Workshop with Mrs. Van Sickell. Calm bottles provide a focal point during times of stress. It was an excellent activity for everyone involved.
Room 214 Robots

Room 214's Energy Robots

Students in Mrs. Coloma's 3rd grade class created Digital Energy Robots. Each robot had to use three types of energy and recycled materials to be brought to life. It was a truly wonderful experience for everyone.

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
 Please contact:
Mr. Cesar Figueroa
Dean of Students/HIB Coordinator
 [email protected]
201-348-5971, Ext. 80510
HIB Score
78 out of 78



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