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World Mental Health Day

🌎World Mental Health Day🌎

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th all across the globe with the aim to promote, educate and raise awareness of mental health issues. The focus of this day is also to get people talking about their mental health and eradicate stigmas associated with mental illness. World Mental Health Day is supported by The World Health Organization which organizes events and sets a theme for the year.
October 2024 Calendar-Roosevelt School

October Calendar

Happy October! Here is the latest news and information about upcoming events concerning the Roosevelt School. Please take a moment to review our October 2024 calendar.
Parent Workshop at the Roosevelt School-September 2024

An Incredible Parent Workshop

Thank you to all our families that were able to attend the parent workshop for assistance with online lunch applications. It was a wonderful turn out. Thank you to our host, Parent Liaison Helen Smith, and our Principal Martha O'Connell along with the Administrative Team!

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
 Please contact:
Mr. Cesar Figueroa
Dean of Students/HIB Coordinator
 [email protected]
201-348-5971, Ext. 80510
HIB Score
78 out of 78



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